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Do you ever feel fed up & uninspired?

I just want to kick off first of by saying, I'm by no means an expert on this subject. In fact I'm still learning a HUGE amount on this. But I just wanted to share with you a few things which have helped me to get myself back on track. you ever feel a bit stuck? As if life isn't flowing in the direction you had liked? Well me too! 

For myself recently, I have experienced this as feeling uninspired, low motivation and generally feeling a bit blurghhh... Sound familiar. It can also manifest as just feeling a bit fed up with life.

My first observation when I feel like this is resistance. I try to push past the feeling, pretend I don’t feel that way and just get on with things. Which only serves a purpose for so long. So this takes me swiftly onto my first little tip:

1. Sit with what is going on

Instead of ignoring how you feel. Try to make some time and space in your life to actually sit with how you feel.   Not to get too high end with feelings, but remember feelings are meant to be FELT.

2. Change it up

The feeling of being stuck or unmotivated can actually be the best sign ever. Because it is your opportunity to make a change. I see it as a sign (maybe from the universe) that I need to make a change somehow. Maybe it’s just changing your mindset / expectations / your perspective. Or it could be changing your job/a plan or situation 

3.  Gratitude

This is such a good habit to get into. Extending gratitude towards all of the wonderful things you have in your life is simply lush. Not only does it make you feel good but you start to recognise all the great parts of you life.

4. Surround yourself with inspiration

We are like sponges. Constantly absorbing from our surroundings and each other.  To expose yourself to like minded inspired people can give you a little boost. So call a friend and meet for a coffee. Alternatively, being outside can be inspiring.  Going to yoga. Dancing to your favourite song. Anything at all that lifts your spirits. 

5. Look after yourself

Remember you are NUMBER ONE. 

Make sure you’re fueling your body with yummy goodness and getting enough sleep. 

And shameless plug!! But yoga can be a wonderful way to look after your body & mind. 

Info here for LAYNA YOGA classes

Thanks for reading xx

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